Sunday, July 27, 2008

the making of....

I tried live trace. Not working.

This the first layer after placing my sketch. I used pen tool; mocchacino colour with a 2pt stroke. For some reason, it’s overlapping the page…

I also labelled the layer and the sub layers.

I next added the fire and the water. I haven’t exactly closed the gap between the fire and the water on the right side and I am hoping that it won’t affect my colouring later on.

I did the inside of the fire and water next and then I finally found a good use of direct selection tool. With a mixture of 1 and 0.25pt strokes, I successfully closed borders. I also used the direct selection tool to close the border between the fire and the water.

After much turmoil and suffering, I have completed my work. A little sloppy, I admit, but after spending a whole hour trying to get the colours straight, you kind of lose concentration. Anyway my work is done.

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